5 quick questions for: Martijn / Instructor at E-Flight Academy

1. Aerobatic pilot (I'll make that one word)
2. 38 (that is a number, does that also count as a word?)
Air Force
Difficulty summarizing things in one word (is there a word for that?)
I love new things. But in aviation, that can sometimes be quite challenging. When Evert-Jan (co-founder E-Flight) approached me to become an instructor, I didn't have to think long about it. It sounded like something I had to be a part of right away. And regardless of where it goes, it's also just a friendly club where nice people work and gather. I always find that important too.
I intervene extremely late haha! That's what a student told me after a not so good landing... I don't know if that was a compliment or not. But I think it characterizes my teaching style. Flying = feeling. And of course, everything must be done in a safe way. But you learn the most when you are allowed to make maximum mistakes. And again; Everything happens safely and you are in good hands with me. Because believe me, as an Aerobatics Pilot, I am used to maneuvers 😉 Moreover, it is nice that an electric airplane can have full power immediately when needed. This way you can actually get out of any difficult situation right away.
Yes indeed! Just like training flights, aerobatics flights are always of short duration. You do need a lot of power for it, but several parties are already working on that. I am in talks with these parties and would love to be able to make the first electric aerobatics flight. I am just still looking for a sponsor. So if someone is reading this with a lot of money, I will put their logo everywhere!
No, not really. Just come and fly with E-Flight Academy, dear people. And preferably on Thursday and Friday, because that's when I'll be there too.
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