Minister van Nieuwenhuizen (IenW) opens E-Flight Academy
Wow, what a special day! Minister Cora van Nieuwenhuizen (IenW) personally opened the E-Flight Academy today and was the first minister to fly electrically. 'A fantastic experience,' said the minister. We are so proud of this!
8:16: BNR Morning Rush
The day started with an interview with Matthijs Collard on the program BNR Ochtendspits with some good and sharp questions from Meindert Schut.
16:00: Arrival of minister
The minister gives a speech and then opens the school by disconnecting the airplane from the charger.
16:20: Flight preparation
The minister is getting ready for her flight. She receives a briefing from Evert-Jan. Fortunately, the weather is beautiful today.
17:15: After landing
After landing, Cora van Nieuwenhuizen enthusiastically talked about her flight.
18:42: Reporting on the flight on BNR
Martijn de Rijk from BNR news radio made a report of the formation flight he and the Minister carried out.
For more information and photos, read the press release